ICSI CS Professional Result 2024: How to Check Your Result
Go to the official ICSI website, icsi.edu. Click on the relevant link available on the website’s homepage. Fill in the required information on the new page that opens. After filling in the details, the result will be displayed on the screen. Download the result and keep a printout for future reference.
ICSI CS Result 2024: December 2024 Examination Toppers
Professional Programme (Old Syllabus, 2017)
Rank 1: Kashish Gupta
Rank 2: Ruchi S Jain
Rank 3: Divyani Nilesh Savna Professional Programme (New Syllabus, 2022)
Rank 1: Yashi Dharam Mehta
Rank 2: P Nitin Theja
Rank 3: Parvinder Kaur
Rank 3: Nitya Shekhar Shetty
ICSI CS Result 2024: Important Information
Hard copies of the result-cum-marks statement will not be sent for the Executive Programme. Candidates for the Professional Programme will receive their marks statement at their registered address after the results are declared. If the physical copy is not received within 30 days, candidates can contact exam@icsi.edu.