Fruits That Help Control Blood Sugar
Apples are beneficial in controlling blood sugar Apples contain elements like fibre and pectin, which help in controlling blood sugar levels. It also improves the function of insulin in the body. A medium-sized apple can be consumed as breakfast. Papaya is beneficial in controlling blood sugar Papaya is a fruit that is low in calories and high in fibre. It helps in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. In addition, it also improves digestion. You can eat pieces of papaya for breakfast or have it as a smoothie.
Jamun (Black plum) is beneficial in controlling blood sugar Jamun is considered a boon for diabetes patients. It has a low glycemic index (GI), which prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly. The seeds of jamun also have blood sugar-controlling properties. Jamun can be eaten directly, or its seeds can be dried and powdered and taken with water.
Pears are beneficial in controlling blood sugar Pears are high in fibre and vitamins, which help in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestive process. Benefits can be obtained by adding it to salads or eating it directly.
Blood Sugar Control Exercises
Walking Walking is the most effective exercise for diabetes patients. It not only helps in controlling blood sugar levels but also improves heart health. Brisk walking for 30 minutes daily can balance blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. Jogging Jogging strengthens muscles. Jogging can be an excellent exercise for diabetes patients. This is because it not only helps in controlling sugar levels but is also beneficial for heart health. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended only to raise awareness about diseases and health problems. It is not a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Therefore, readers are advised not to try any medicine, treatment or prescription on their own, but to consult an expert or doctor related to that medical field.