President Murmu said, “My government believes in women-led development in the country. The government’s goal is to create 3 crore ‘Lakhpati Didis’. It is a matter of great pride for the Parliament that today, a large number of women are flying fighter jets, joining the police, and also leading corporations in the country. Our daughters are bringing pride to the nation by winning Olympic medals. To ensure that the entire country can see the potential of the eight states in the North East, the first Ashtalakshmi Festival was organised.”
President Droupadi Murmu said that after the abrogation of Article 370, there has been significant change in the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. She also mentioned that the government has worked towards eliminating the feeling of separatism in the North Eastern states. President Murmu stated, “The first Ashtalakshmi Festival was organised to enable the entire country to witness the potential of the eight states in the North East.”
President Murmu said, “The Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link project has been completed, and now the country will be connected by a railway line from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.” She further added, “The country’s aviation sector is progressing rapidly, and airline companies are placing orders for 1,700 new aircraft.”
President Droupadi Murmu said, “The government has launched the ‘India AI Mission’ to advance India’s contribution in the field of artificial intelligence.” Appreciating the progress in the space industry, the President stated, “The day is not far when India will launch its own human spaceflight, Gaganyaan.”