Chaos Among the Families of the Deceased
The incident occurred on the Firozpur-Fazilka road in the district. A long traffic jam ensued on the highway after the accident. The police removed the damaged vehicles and cleared the National Highway of stranded vehicles. A Road Safety Force team also reached the scene. The police are currently investigating the matter. The families of the deceased are in a state of shock and grief following the accident.
High Speed Proved Fatal
Inspector Jaswinder Singh Baraṛ, who is investigating the accident, said that Road Safety Force (SSF) teams reached the scene as soon as they received information about the incident. All the injured have been admitted to the hospital for treatment. After clearing the heavy traffic jam, the police cleared the National Highway. Eyewitnesses reported that the pickup was carrying many people and was travelling at a high speed. Suddenly, the vehicle went out of control, and a canter approaching from behind at high speed collided with it.
The Deceased Were Set to Work as Waiters at Weddings
The Police Inspector stated that labourers were in the Bolero pickup. They were all going from Firozpur towards the rural areas. During this time, the pickup went out of control and collided with a canter coming from behind. Upon reaching the hospital, doctors declared more than five people dead. People present at the scene say that all those in the Bolero pickup worked as waiters at weddings.