Transport and Road Safety Minister Dr. Premchand Bairawa assured the assembly on Wednesday that the proposal to grant child care leave to women personnel working in the Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation workshops will be re-examined. A previously submitted proposal on this matter was returned by the finance department. He explained that under the current service rules, only women employees in service positions in the corporation are granted child care leave, similar to state government employees.
The Transport and Road Safety Minister was responding to supplementary questions raised by a member during question hour. He explained that due to differences in service rules, workers and workshop employees are currently not receiving child care leave. Earlier, in a written reply to the original question by MLA Geeta Barbad , the Transport and Road Safety Minister stated that eligible women personnel in the ministerial cadre employed by the Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation are entitled to a maximum of 730 days of child care leave during their entire service period. He placed a copy of the order issued by the corporation on the table of the House.