Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has received a death threat on Facebook. The accused, a young man, threatened to kill CM Yogi and wrote, “Hindus, your Maha Kumbh is approaching; we Muslims challenge you—we will not let it happen.” These threats were issued from a Facebook account under the name Majan Raza. The abusive comments targeting Sanātana Dharma, Lord Ram, and the threat to behead Chief Minister Yogi have sparked outrage among Hindu organisations.
According to media reports, the accused, Majan Raza, hails from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. He studied at GRM School in Bareilly. Pandit KK Shankhdhar, a VHP leader from Bareilly, noticed the threatening message on the accused’s Facebook post on 10 January. He subsequently shared the post on social media and tagged ADG Bareilly and the Uttar Pradesh Police.
Bareilly Police Arrest the Accused
Following the viral post, the police and intelligence department were put on high alert. Late Friday night, Bareilly police arrested the accused. Bareilly Police stated on their social media handle: “A case has been registered at Premnagar Police Station, Bareilly. The accused has been arrested, and further action is being taken as per the rules.”
Five Facebook Posts by the Accused
1. He challenged the presence of temples everywhere and threatened to rape girls.
2. He challenged Yogi Adityanath and wrote “Insha Allah” while issuing threats. 3. He made a threatening post regarding the Maha Kumbh, writing: “Hindus, your Maha Kumbh is approaching; we Muslims will not let it happen.”
4. He claimed that 2025 will be the final year of the Ram Mandir. 5. He stated: “We have already attacked you at the Hartmann Ramleela (Bareilly); in the future, we will also abduct girls.”