On Thursday, CM Dr Mohan Yadav attended the closing ceremony of a national kabaddi tournament in Gotegaon, Narsinghpur. There, he announced: “We are going to make another decision. Through our government, we are announcing a prohibition on alcohol in 17 religious cities.”
It’s worth noting that during the tenures of former CMs Uma Bharti, Babulal Gaur, and Shivraj Singh Chouhan, 17 cities were declared holy cities. In light of this, the Mohan government has announced the alcohol ban, which is likely to be formalised at the cabinet meeting in Maheshwar.
Arrangements for Ministers’ VIP Meals
The Mohan cabinet meeting on Friday will be held in a dome built on the theme of Devi Ahilyabai’s fort. For this, the MP Tourism’s Narmada Retreat in Maheshwar has been decorated in the style of Maheshwar Fort. VIP meal arrangements have also been made for the ministers. Several ministers of the Mohan cabinet will arrive in Maheshwar tonight. Alcohol Ban in These 17 Locations
- Ujjain (Mahakaleshwar Temple)
- Orchha (City of Lord Ram Raja Sarkar)
- Mandla (Famous ghats of the Narmada)
- Maheshwar (Tourist city, several ancient temples on the banks of the Narmada)
- Datia (Famous Peetambara Mai Temple)
- Omkareshwar (Temple of Lord Mamleshwar, one of the 12 Jyotirlingas)
- Multāi (Origin of the famous religious Tapti River)
- Jabalpur (City situated on the banks of the Narmada, Bhedaghat)
- Nalkheda (Famous temple of Mother Bagalamukhi Mata)
- Salkanpur (Famous Devi Temple)
- Chitrakoot (Religious city, Lord Ram spent his exile here)
- Mandsaur (Famous temple of Lord Pashupatinath)
- Maihar (Famous temple of Mother Sharada)
- Bramhan Ghat and Mandleshwar (Both are famous ghats of Mother Narmada)
- Panna (Ancient temple of Jugal Kishor Bhagwan)
- Sanchi may also be included, as it is an extremely ancient place
- Amarkantak (Origin of the Narmada, Narmada Temple)